Ready to return to exercise postpartum?
You can do SOMETHING but your body isn’t ready for EVERYTHING (yet).
Ready to return to exercise postpartum?
You can do SOMETHING but your body isn’t ready for EVERYTHING (yet).
  • 6 Exercises for early postpartum designed to meet your body where it's at and help it heal. 
  • Video Demonstrations + Tips for each exercise.
  • ​Guidance on breath, activities of daily living, and navigating your postpartum brain.
  • ​Advice your Doctor and friends don’t know to
    tell you about your postpartum body as it relates to fitness.

As Seen On: 


  • 6 Exercises for early postpartum designed to meet your body where it's at and help it heal. 
  • ​Video Demonstrations + Tips for each exercise
  • ​Guidance on breath, activities of daily living, and navigating your postpartum brain.
  • ​Advice your Doctor and friends don’t know to tell you about your postpartum body as it relates to fitness.

Your brain may be ready for exercise, but your body is not.

I'm Brianna Battles.

Coach. Mom. Athlete. Founder of Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism. 

In my coaching career I've worked with thousands of athletes.

From professionals, Olympians, Crossfitters, and of course, everyday women who love fitness. 

I remember after having a baby the itchy feeling of being ready to get back into a normal exercise routine again. 

The longing to do "something" and feel like you have any amount of control is a common experience with athletic women postpartum. 

I struggled with this myself. 

While your body is not ready for normal exercise just yet, you can begin movement with intention, and assist your recovery experience from the inside out.  

Begin to rehab your core + pelvic floor and build a solid foundation so that you can safely return to the exercise you love.

No matter your birth experience...

Your body is healing from the inside out and you are transitioning to life with a new baby. 

Less is more.

This free exercise guide will meet you where your brain and body are at and help deliver what you actually need instead of only what you want right now.